Alfonso Lara Montero is the Chief Executive Officer of the European Social Network (ESN), from social services organisations in national, regional and local authorities responsible for the design and delivery of public social services in 33 countries. Working closely with them, ESN promotes social inclusion and better life chances through the delivery of quality social services.
Alfonso has been leading ESN’s policy, practice, and research programme for the past five years, leading its thematic work on mental health, children’s services, integrated services and evidence-based social services. He has authored and co-authored several publications on social services, such as “Investing in children’s services’, “Integrated social services in Europe’, “Investing in the social services workforce’, and the “Toolkit for planning and evaluating social services”. Alfonso is a regular contributor to academic journals, newspapers, and specialist social services magazines. Alfonso holds a BA in modern languages from the University of Granada, an MA in European governance from the College of Europe, an MSc in public policy from University College London, and an MSc in executive management of international associations from Brussels Solvay Business School.