Project Forum

10 June – 08:45-09:45

Series of short presentations on projects related to the conference theme

Room: Plenary

Moderator: Georgia Chimbani, Director of Adult and Community Services, Suffolk County Council, UK



The project “Election to the FSW Customer Council” establishes for the first time, a participation board for people with disabilities, recipients of benefits from the Vienna Social Fund (FSW). Around 9,000 clients could vote for the 34 candidates, who are also users of FSW disability services, in the first elections held in 2020.

The 7 board members support the further development and creation of new services. The members are provided with independent board support for the term of office. The board exchanges information with the FSW every quarter, and there is an annual meeting with the responsible city councillor


Jutta Rozinski, Project Management, Vienna Social Fund, Austria


The Region of Navarra (Spain) is committed to supporting an active and healthy ageing of the population. They worked with the Municipality of Allo to transform an unused building into a Multipurpose Resource Centre for Active Ageing in the Rural Environment. Different types of services (social, health and leisure) are combined in one place and integrated into the community, providing the elderly with adequate resources that boost their wellbeing and empower their participation in the community in the most autonomous and independent manner possible, according to their needs.


Luis Campos Iturralde, General Director of the Observatory of the Social Reality of Navarra, Department of Social Rights, Government of Navarra, Spain


This project wishes to create and implement a system to allow public authorities and third sector providers working with the same people and families to be able to access and share the same data of the persons for whom they provide care and support. They hope this will avoid the need for people to relay their information several times, and both public authorities and third sector providers will be better informed about the personal situations of the persons and families with whom they work. The project is currently being developed by the third sector association of Catalonia with Barcelona City Council.


Adrià Cuenca Lara, Coordinator, Taula d’entitats del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya – m4Social, Catalonia, Spain


The Northern Ireland Social Care Council has developed the Learning Zone – a website that offers free learning and development resources with no logins required so it can be accessed anywhere, anytime, on any device. It is aimed at social work and social care workers to complement training offered by their employers. Using a collaborative approach end users, employers and key stakeholders are involved in the design process to the digital learning resources are efficient, effective and enjoyable to use.


Mairead Harkin, Workforce Development Officer (Digital Learning), Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC), UK


As part of HAS’s strategic plan (2019-2024), the involvement of patients and users of social services was one of the main priorities. Therefore, during COVID-19, we continued our process to better integrate the perspective and experience of patients and social service users in our work.

HAS has developed various support documents (cooperation framework, guidelines…) which will be presented in this project forum. The presentation will focus on the involvement of people with disabilities in the drafting of good professional practice guidelines for people with intellectual disabilities. A summary of the process they have followed, as well as the feedback from other participants and the project team will also be presented.


Aylin Ayata, Project Manager, HAS, France
Sophie Guennery, Project Manager, HAS, France



Ireland’s HIQA has developed new Draft National Standards for Children’s Social Services. These standards aim to drive improvements in the quality and safety of care for all children, and support a rights-based approach to the provision of care and support for children who are at risk in the community or who are living away from their families in the care of the State.

This is the first time that national standards developed by HIQA have been presented in the voice of the child, setting out what outcomes they should expect from a service and what a service needs to do to achieve these outcomes.


Eva Boyle, Head of Programme (Children’s Services), Health Information and Quality Authority, Ireland
Deirdre Connolly, Standards Manager, Health Information and Quality Authority, Ireland


EurofamNet is a pan-European family support network focused on family support policies and practices, reflecting common goals across participating countries, while recognizing the specific nature of families’ cultural and socio-economic contexts within them.

The aim of the network is to inform family policies and practices towards the ultimate goal of ensuring children’s rights and families’ well-being, by building collaborations between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, children and families, public and private agencies, and general society. The coordination team will present a list of the outcomes to date, including their interactive maps.


Lucía Jiménez, Professor / Chair, University of Seville / European Family Support Network
Ninoslava Pecnik, Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia


The Sapport Community Services provide assistance to persons with disabilities within their homes. Persons eligible for the service are persons with disabilities who have other complex social issues / are at risk of developing such issues. While they are assisted through the Agency’s social work team, the community team provides them with the necessary tools such as daily living skills, to continue living independently in the community. The service promotes independence and active participation in their communities while moving away from institutional care. It focuses on abilities and the attainment of new skills.


Glenda Curmi, Director of Services, Agenzija Sapport, Malta
Lorraine Polidano, Services Manager, Agenzija Sapport, Malta