Melanie Leonhard has been the Senator for Labour, Social Affairs, Family and Integration in Hamburg since 2015. The Doctor of History has been politically active for many years and was elected to the Hamburg legislative assembly (Bürgerschaft) for the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in 2011, where she has chiefly made a name for herself as a social expert. She has also been chairwoman of the SPD Hamburg since 2018. Her special areas of interest are the subjects of equality of opportunity and social participation in all areas of life. As a result, Melanie Leonhard and the over 800 employees of the Hamburg social services authorities work on a broad range of social topics and set the framework for early childhood education, supporting young people and families, helping people with disabilities, providing assistance to the homeless and victim protection among other things. Her tasks also include establishing the Hamburg employment market policy, promoting integration and strengthening the commitment of citizens.