Mayte Sancho is a national and international expert in planification and new models of care for the elderly. She is currently the Director of Service Planning of Matia Foundation in Spain. She has a long career in the Social Security Management Body of IMSERSO, as OECD Expert in Social Protection and Aging (1992-1995), Vice president and member of the Technical Committee of the Spanish Geriatrics and Gerontology Society (SEGG), Director of the Observatory on Aging and Dependency in IMSERSO (1998-2008), Co-Director of the online portal “Mayores’, Coordinator in Spain of the Project “Elder Abuse of the Elderly” in the World Health Organization (2002-2007), General Coordinator of the “Active ageing, preventing dependency” project of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SEGG) – Obra Social Caja Madrid (2003-2007). Coordinator of de project “Caring for others the way we woud like to be cared for” (Matia Foundation- “La Caixa” Foundation, 2016). Coordinator of the Project “ETXEAN BIzi (At home well)” (Council of Guipuzcoa-Matia Foundation, 2017-2019). She holds a Degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Social Gerontology from the Autonomous University of Madrid.