may, 2018

28may2:30 pm3:45 pmWORKSHOP SESSION A7 SIMULTANEOUS WORKSHOPS2:30 pm - 3:45 pm


Event Details

Workshops :

1. Distributing the European Social Fund from regional to local level in Baden-Württemberg – Ministry of Social Affairs Baden-Württemberg and the County Council of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
2. Local authorities harnessing the potential of social enterprises to support vulnerable people – Neziskova Organizacia EPIC, Slovakia
3. The digital map of social services in Andalusia: an innovative tool for the region – Regional Ministry of Equality and Social Policies, Spain
4. An integrated model for refugees’ inclusion in Danish society – Municipality of Esbjerg, Jobcentre, Denmark
5. Adhoc Project: an innovative solution and methodology to solve child-to-parent violence – Adhoc School, Spain
6. Assessment of health and care needs for highly vulnerable children – The Norwegian Directorate of Children, Youth- and Family Affairs, Norway
7. Prepare for Leaving Care: young people involved in training professionals – SOS Children’s Villages International


monday 28 may 2 : 30 - monday 28 may 3 : 45