june, 2019

06jun12:15 pm1:15 pmWORKSHOP SESSION C7 SIMULTANEOUS WORKSHOPS12:15 pm - 1:15 pm


Event Details

Workshops :

15. Quality of residential childcare – Good homes for better quality of life – Association for Public and Private Welfare & Youth Institute, Germany

16. Measuring the impact of alternative child care and family strengthening services – SOS Children’s Villages International

17. Improving day centres to empower older people – Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa, Portugal

18. Improving the lives of informal carers -Eurocarers

19. Improving service quality with Emotional AI – SAP, Australia

20. Free childcare: investing on work/life balance and inclusion – Lombardy Region, Italy

21. Integrated children’s services: improving cooperation between services for better outcomes – Consortium “Comuni Insieme’, Italy


thursday 6 june 12 : 15 - thursday 6 june 1 : 15