Dr. LIEVE FRANSEN is a senior social and health policy advisor with a range of different institutions, businesses and think thanks.
She is medical doctor specialized in global public health and social policies worldwide and has a PhD in social policies.
Dr Fransen has a considerable and recognised experience in development policies and European policies and institutions. She worked extensively on formulating evidence based policies on social investment and innovation, pensions, health and health care and gender, HIv and Population and recently implementing the SDGS, energy poverty and social infrastructure investment
She worked as a Medical Doctor and clinical and public health researcher and international public health in the developing world and in Europe. Dr Fransen has had a distinguished career which includes a role as Public Health Advisor to the Ministry of Health in Mozambique, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, India and the Cape Verde Islands. She also created several new initiatives such as the Global Fund for aids, malaria and TB and was a founding board member and the vice chair of the Board of the same organisation.
She is a well-recognized policy maker at senior management level in the EU in a range of different departments fi in Development, Trade and External relations, Communication and Political Reporting and Social affairs and Employment in the European Commission. She was the director for Social Policy and the European strategy for 2020 and the European semester in the European Commission until May 2015.
Dr Fransen received a wide range of awards and recognitions for her lifetime work and is member of several Boards worldwide.